3 years ago
Weekly Patch - February 13, 2022
📈 Improvements 📈
Save your progress at-will when building robust Content
- Quick Save and Quick Update functionality has been added to Content, Releases, and Features. This will submit your latest changes without leaving the page, allowing you to save progress and continue working.
Collect countries automatically without requiring API-driven addresses
- Country (Auto Detected) has been added to Community Filter and View to pull back the last region from which a User accessed the system (by IP address).
Major improvements to performance to squash recent server errors
- Performance adjustments were made to prevent 502 Bad Gateway errors from displaying on servers under heavier load/usage.
🐞 Bug Fixes 🐞
User Experience and Interface
- Adjustments and clarity to a variety of Inline Help text.
- The "Submit & Next" button on Feedback views will once again function as intended (both submission of current ticket changes, as well as navigation to the next ticket in the prior list view).
Community and Project Homepages
- Projects that have never previously utilized a Project Introduction message will now store and update them as intended.
- Empty Community Homepages will now display an empty message instead of displaying blank.
Test Planning
- Feature Status Dynamic Tags will now convert properly in Email Templates and the Visual Editor.
- Feedback API Submission will now allow the Feature element to be formatted as a label or value.
- Cell Line breaks are now preserved when importing Phases and Features via Excel.
Performance Tuning
- Performance improvements were made for implementations using a high volume of Projects.
- A security gap was fixed when copy/pasting Feature URLs between users.
- The file upload and cancel process were tuned to handle mid-upload cancellation better.
Centercode Mobile App
- Additional Mobile changes in order to prevent some edge-case scenarios and continue tuning the user experience.