There's a Big New Feature Under the Tree in December's Update!
We've got a big new feature for you this month, and we're not even making you wait until Christmas to open it! We're proud to announce that the "Include Users" option when creating a project from a template is back—and it's better than ever. Learn more about what you can do with it below, and keep reading to see the other bug fix stocking stuffers we've wrapped up this month.
new features
✨ New Features ✨
"Template Users" Brings “Include Users” Back and Better Than Ever!
The ability to carry over users when templating and cloning a project is a powerful tool that can save a lot of time when you're spinning up a new project. But the original implementation of this feature was all-or-nothing while your use cases called for something more deliberate or selective.
Because of the overly wide net it cast, using Include Users usually resulted in more confusion and clean-up work than it was worth once the project was cloned. Therefore, we took it back to the drawing board, and with some incredibly useful feedback from our users, we're proud to bring the "Include Users" feature back with some major improvements.
You can now access "Template Users" from the Project Template Settings menu, under the "Template Users" heading. This replaces (and includes the functionality of) the "Initial Team Membership" section. Adding "Include Users" to the project template process, instead of an ad-hoc decision you have to remember to make every time you clone a project, ensures you'll only need to set these options once to get the same results with each new project you clone from a template.
If you’re a project coordinator who maintains your templates and/or hands-off projects to PMs who request them, this also reduces the amount of follow-up needed to get your template ready for hand-off.
Additionally, the new Template Users section lets you get more granular by giving the option to select a specific team type (and individual teams for applicable Centercode editions).
Finally, to support this new feature, we've added some additional items to the Template Notes infobox that appears when you're configuring a new project during the cloning process. It now lists the specific number of users in each team type that will be included in the cloned project.
Using this powerful new function of the project template tool will make getting new projects up and running smoother than ever! Simply add your admin and support staff to the right teams and update your template to ensure the right people will be automatically included on every project using this template going forward.
📈 Improvements 📈
We’re Making a List and Checkboxing It Twice!
In addition to the big gift you've all been looking forward to, we've added a few ease-of-use updates to make your Centercode experience that much more comfy (like a nice warm pair of Centercode socks). We've started adding more context to our checkboxes to give you a better idea of what each one does. It's part of our ongoing effort to help you make the most of everything the Centercode Platform has to offer. And like a fruitcake that never seems to disappear….You'll see more of these holly jolly improvements into 2023.
🐞 Bug Fixes 🐞
Platform Security
- Shored-up a few scripting related security vulnerabilities