Good News! September Is Falling in With New Updates!
Just In! The Centercode Mobile App is available on app stores! In addition, we've deployed new platform fixes which include: Calendar Widgets, Community Homepage Improvements, and more below!
✨ New Features ✨
Check out the Centercode Mobile App!
The Centercode Mobile App is officially available on app stores! For C17 sites, you can find an "Access via Mobile" link in your Community Menu.
📈 Improvements 📈
Community Homepage Improvements!
We now display available Surveys, Profiles, and Platforms on the Community Homepage. Plus, the platform now prompts users to update their information if the data is becoming dated.
New Calendar Widget!
We have updated the Calendar selector we use throughout our system to a much more modern, sleek, and clean interface - removing the need for a separate icon as well!
Onboarding Email Previews!
Email Previews (the ones with false links for testing purposes) can now be sent for Onboarding email templates.
🐞 Bug Fixes 🐞
Product Verification
- Product Verification will now work as expected with Projects that do not yet have a Product Type selected.
Test Planning
- Test Plan Imports with back-to-back Phase dates (within 1 day of each other) will no longer break due to Project timezone settings.
User Experience & Interface
- Project opportunities will now properly show up on the Community homepage even for users not in any active Projects within matching Department.
- When updating from Beta to Delta, the default Feedback Type icons now better match the intent of existing Feedback Types.
- Additional Tooltips added to some of the new C17 expand/collapse section icons.
- Continued internal refinement of C17 for desktop and our mobile application.
- Significant interface tweaks, including reorganizing the Menu Bar, have been implemented based on early-access feedback.
- The Project Overview page received color, button, and link adjustments for more clarity and usability.
- Incomplete / in-progress File Uploads will present a browser warning when users attempt to leave the page.
- Failure to access your last-entered project (automatically on log-in) will now present a clear message.
Mobile App
- Multiple refinements and fixes were applied to the Mobile App for an updated experience. It will be resubmitted to the App stores.